Monday, December 15, 2008

Tag Taggle Toggle

This one comes from Eve's Lungs. It's the perfect tag for someone like me because I tend to live in the past. Mulling over the state of the world takes a backseat as I delve into memories and recall instances and conversations and people with clarity. So, here goes.

My oldest memory: Is boring. My mother can't believe I remember this - I toddled over to the lowest shelf of the kitchen and knocked over an entire bowl of dal, creating a mess. So I must have been less than 2 years old. Sigh...butterfingers even back then.

Ten years ago: I was finishing college and agonizing over staying on at Stephen's versus going to JNU. Ah, that tiny sphere of concern.

My first thought this morning: Not already!

If you built a time capsule, what would it contain: Not sure of the principle of a time capsule, but it's like preserving things for eternity, right? In that case, it would hold everything and everyone from my present world, except, oh...cockroaches, terrorists, alarm clocks (ironic, in a time capsule..hah) and other irritants.

This year: I turned 30 but it was the least significant part of the year. I think that's what being an adult is all about. Much has happened - I have gone back to fulltime work, my brother has learnt to live on his own, I have said goodbyes, and hellos, and generally become more of what I want to be.

14 years from now: Is impossible to predict. I live in the past, remember?

Tagging: MM (as if she didn't have enough to blog about already), A Muser, Suku, and Audacious, just to get her to blog!!! And a dear cousin who has just started blogging and is thinking of topics - Chandra didi.


Suku said...

Thanks A...for tagging me. It's done!!

Unknown said...

see another point of similarity between us - ancient memories

Nits said...

That's funny. My oldest memory is a dream - that means I guess I remember my first dream. My dad hitting me with a pressure cooker!

Thinking Cramps said...

Suku: Prompt! I already checked it out!

Eve's Lungs: Yes, no wonder we found each other on cyberspace! I knew it when you mentioned The Chestry Oak - I can never get over that coincidence!

Nits: Ha ha ha...what sort of persecution complex is THAT! Thanks for commenting. It's been ages since I heard from you in the blogosphere.

Nits said...

I will try to make it my new year resolution to be active :)

you still in Dubai?

Thinking Cramps said...

Nits: That would be welcome. Yup, still in Dubai, at least till late 2009.

Anonymous said...

I have done my part...your tagging was real good idea for me to have something to think on...loved your ideas.

A Muser said...

Will do, Ana! Gimme some time...